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Open | MON-SUN 8AM - 4PM | Member Only Hour 8 AM -9AM
Friday, November 12 | 5:30 – 7 p.m.
Introductory course to asexual plant propagation. Methods taught will include division, soft, and leaf cuttings with some emphasis on tropical plants, which can be applied to an at home set up. Live and hands-on demonstration will allow participants to go home with small propagation container and plant material. Sponsored by San Antonio Water System.
Fee: $20 ($18 member). Registration Required; deadline is November 8 by 5:30 p.m. WaterSaver Rewards Eligible
Instructor: Layni Langham, Gardener & Propagation Specialist, San Antonio Botanical Garden
Read the Garden’s Registration and Cancellation Policies for information about member discounts, refunds and more.