Texas Natives
With more than 20,000 native plants in the U.S., fully one-fourth of them live in Texas. The 11-acre Texas Native Trail represents three ecological regions of Texas: Hill Country, East Texas Pineywoods, and South Texas Plains. See the list below of some of the native plants you’ll find along this walking trail. View a full list of the Botanical Garden’s featured attractions.
Hill Country
- Live oaks
- Juniper
- Texas mountain laurel
- Eve's necklace
- Blanco crabapple
- Possumhaw
- Hop tree
- Anacacho orchid
- Pecan
- Soapberry
- Texas redbud
- Twist leaf yucca
- Uvalde maples
East Texas Pineywoods
- Bald cypress
- Longleaf pine
- Loblolly pine
- Sweetgum
- Rusty blackhaw
- Gum bumelia
- Sassafras
- Sycamore
South Texas Plains
- Torchwood
- Mexican olive
- Mesquite
- Texas ebony
- Huisache
- Cenizo
- Agarita
- Spanish dagger yucca
- Thread-leaf yucca
- Guajillo
- Prickly Pear