Open Mon-Sat 8AM - 6PM | Sun 8AM - 8PM | Members Only 7AM – 8AM Daily



Did you know that about 30% of the water used in San Antonio households is applied solely to landscapes? Low water landscaping is strongly encouraged in arid climates, where water is a limited resource.

Endangered Plants

As the Center for Plant Conservation (CPC) custodian for endangered plants in South Texas, the San Antonio Botanical Garden plays an important role in assuring that these regional plants do not face extinction.

Texas Natives

With more than 20,000 native plants in the U.S., fully one-fourth of them live in Texas. The 11-acre Texas Native Trail represents three ecological regions of Texas: Hill Country, East Texas Pineywoods, and South Texas Plains. 


Plan your garden to provide blooming plants throughout the season and attract beautiful butterflies.